My life changed when I saw pictures of the broken bodies of aborted babies my junior year of college. Rather than feeling called to the fight, I felt summoned. After completing my BA in Criminal Justice from Washington State University, I interned at Created Equal, an anti-abortion agency in Ohio, to learn the skills I needed to lead a team back home. It was through that vision that Tiny Heartbeat Ministries was born. In my free time, I love singing to Jesus, fighting in Martial Arts, and spending time with my wife and three young children.
While in the midst of my studies at Washington State University, I felt an undeniable conviction in my heart to stand up for the unborn. So, I dropped out of school, quit my job, and began my work as a missionary. Now, I'm full-time on staff serving as Tiny Heartbeat Ministries' Vice President. I believe that it's our calling as Christians to end this genocide and my job to lead the men and women on the front lines of the fight. In my off time, I enjoy writing music, playing board games with friends, and enjoying good food.
In 2022, I went on my first mission trip with Tiny Heartbeat Ministries. I was shocked to realize how apathetic the public was about babies dying by abortion. I knew that I needed to do what I could to change our culture’s attitude toward abortion. In 2023, I became a Tiny Heartbeat Ministries summer intern. I learned how we can have an impact on our world and teach people to care about the unborn, no matter how small they are. In 2024, I came on staff full-time. When I am not working at Tiny Heartbeat Ministries, I enjoy spending time with family and friends.
I was studying accounting in 2022 when I saw anti-abortion protesters on my campus. Their boldness with the truth and unwillingness to compromise the Word of God cut me to the heart. The Lord, in His graciousness, brought me to volunteer with the ministry later and ultimately to join the staff as a Senior Training Coordinator. I now enjoy the privilege of learning about God and His creation and passing that information on to others as a
full-time job.
“Rescue those being led away to death,” Proverbs 24:11. Those were the words God used to convict my heart and lead me to sidewalk counsel outside a late-term abortion clinic for the first time in 2022. Now, I carry those words with me wherever I do ministry. In my position as a THM missionary, I have the privilege of being the point of contact with mothers that choose life. In my free time, I love to sing worship and spend time with my family every chance I get.
God used a family member considering aborting her daughter to awaken me to the reality of abortion. Through preserving that young girl, I grew zealous for defending the life of pre-born children. They are a blessing from God and those who seek to kill them need more than just education and knowledge. They need salvation through Jesus Christ. I believe I've been called by our Lord to be a vessel for both His word and the truth of abortion and for Christ's sake I will obey.
On one of my first outreaches with Tiny Heartbeat Ministries, I stood and watched woman after woman walk into a local abortion clinic to murder their very own sons and daughters. I knew I couldn’t stand by and do nothing. With some friends I met through THM, we started the ministry’s very first satellite team in the Seattle area. Today, I am so blessed to be used by God as a full-time staff member in the Outreach Department. In my free time, I enjoy swing dancing and playing pickleball with friends.
Growing up with a large family and volunteering in kids programs with my local church, I always had a heart for watching over God's children. In middle school, I heard a talk on abortion, but it wasn’t until I saw the broken body of a child, who was aborted, that it truly pierced my heart. After praying for a way to get involved, I was introduced to pro-life outreach by a friend and never turned back. In my free time I like to journal, read, and be in fellowship with my friends.
I was introduced to the ministry when I was sixteen. After seeing what abortion does to these innocent babies I made it a point to go to every outreach I could while still in high school. After completing the Tiny Heartbeat Ministries internship in 2022, I believe God called me to this ministry full-time to be a voice for the voiceless and to bring the Gospel to everyone He lays in my path. In my free time, I enjoy outdoor activities such as rock climbing and hiking.
From my earliest memory, I have prayed with my family for an end to the atrocity of abortion. Then, in the spring of 2024, God provided the opportunity for me to put action to my prayers and join Tiny Heartbeat Ministries’ summer internship program. As a result of this life changing experience, I have become even more passionate about defending the pre-born, and have clearly seen God’s blessing on my pursuit of a full time staff position. In my free time, I enjoy singing, playing volleyball, and making memories with friends.
Jesus Christ said, “I came that they may have life and have it more abundantly.” My wife and I have always believed in the truth and efficacy of the Word of God, and because of that we have promoted the proclamation of the gospel and are supportive of the battle against the murder of the unborn in their own mother’s womb. I am a former commanding officer of a US Navy warship and retired as a Navy Captain. My wife and I have been married for 41 years, and have four children and 11 grandchildren.
I have spent most of my life serving to protect innocent life in my country and community. I spent 32 years serving in the military in three separate branches as well as serving as a police officer for 20 years. Abortion is a brutal and savage act being perpetrated on the lives of the innocent in broad daylight with too many people denying the truth of this evil. I am proud to serve on the board of Tiny Heartbeat Ministries supporting the bold and courageous missionaries striving daily to abolish this evil practice while sharing the hope of redemption in Jesus Christ.
I am a postdoctoral researcher in Biosystems Engineering at Washington State University. While at WSU, I first saw the need for showing students the horrors of abortion; the greatest injustice of our generation. I believe the most effective way to combat abortion is through proclaiming the truth of God’s Word which provides the basis for believing all life is valuable and worth protecting. I am an active member of my church and participate regularly in evangelistic and pro-life outreaches.
My life changed when I saw pictures of the broken bodies of aborted babies my junior year of college. Rather than feeling called to the fight, I felt summoned. After completing my BA in Criminal Justice from Washington State University, I interned at Created Equal, an anti-abortion agency in Ohio, to learn the skills I needed to lead a team back home. It was through that vision that Tiny Heartbeat Ministries was born. In my free time, I love singing to Jesus, fighting in Martial Arts, and spending time with my wife and three young children.
I have been a builder for over 30 years. Building communities and building citizens for God’s community. “Teaching the next generation the praises of the Lord and his mighty works, so they can arise and teach the next generation, so the children yet to be born will put their trust in God“. I continue to serve in ministries as God opens doors to be a tool for the building up of His spiritual house.
After a 15 year career working for the Department of Corrections, John followed God’s call to start Vision House, a ministry that has met the housing, counseling and spiritual needs for over 1300 homeless men, women, and children. John directed Vision House for 25 fruitful years and even after his departure sees it continue to blossom. He now serves as the Washington Area Director for Man In The Mirror.
Cheyenne was raised in Florida. He now resides there with his wife and three children. He and his wife, Arellys, have served as non-resident missionaries to Nicaragua for over 24 years, and they continue to serve. Additionally, Cheyenne serves as an executive pastor and as a partnership development coach. Cheyenne is licensed and ordained through International Gospel Outreach and Global Fellowship and is currently pursuing his Master’s in Christian Counseling from Midwest Theological Seminary.
In high school, Seth’s life was changed by pictures of abortion victims, though it was not until 2010 that he began full-time pro-life ministry. He serves as vice president for Created Equal, a pro-life education and outreach organization based in Columbus, Ohio. His formal training is in teaching and Christian worldview, which he unites in Created Equal’s goal to equip anyone, anywhere to talk rightly about abortion. Seth also engages university professors in formal debate. He resides in Ohio with his wife and five children.