We are a Christian, anti-abortion nonprofit purposed to provide the educational arm of the pro-life movement in the Pacific Northwest by focusing our outreach efforts on the 3 C’s: Churches, Clinics, and Culture.
Bringing pro-life apologetics and evangelism training to churches, equipping them to engage those outside the church with the Gospel and the case for life.
Being the last stand for life outside abortion clinics, directly attempting to "rescue those being led away to death"
(Proverbs 24:11).
Engaging the public with both the Gospel and the case for life as we advocate for a Christian worldview on college campuses, outside high schools, and in the public square.
While preborn children are slaughtered in isolation behind closed doors, they do still have a baby picture. And a picture is worth 1000 words. It is a picture that many do not want to see, and one that pricks the conscience of those who oppose their right to life. Just as William Wilberforce used graphic images of slavery to change hearts and minds of citizens in Great Britain, so we use images of what abortion actually looks like to change hearts and minds of American citizens.
While changing the hearts and minds of the public is vitally important, so is acting as a last defense for life before the very gates of death. As such, we spend hours in front of abortion clinics- pleading with Moms and Dads not to kill their baby but rather to choose life. We refer these parents to local crisis pregnancy centers and urge them to make the courageous decision to turn away from the sin of child sacrifice.
Show photos of abortion's victims on college campuses, downtown public squares, high schools, and outside abortion clinics. We intentionally do not target areas with a large population of young children (e.g. elementary schools or kids fairs).
Pursue meaningful, respectful conversations with the general public wherever we do outreaches.
Enable Christians and churches to articulate a clear, compelling, and compassionate case for the sanctity of human life. To request a speaker to come to your church or small group, email contact@tinyheartbeatministries.com or fill out our contact form here.
Share the Good News of Jesus Christ with the lost! We continually preach the Gospel throughout our outreaches and train our volunteers to do the same. Although we recognize that people don’t necessarily need to hear the Gospel to become pro-life, no one can be healed and forgiven from the sin of abortion without the Good News.